The hardest race in the world - 7 days a week - 24 hours a day
From San Sebastian on La Gomera, on the Canary Islands, the race starts to Nelson's Dockyard in Antigua, on the Caribbean Islands.
About 3000 miles and about 1.5 million rowing strokes have to be mastered in a rowing boat across the second largest ocean in the world.
The duration of the previous crossings so far has been between 29 and 96 days. Our goal is to keep the boat constantly in motion. This means that there will always be two men rowing and two men resting - at 2-hour intervals. Sleep deprivation, wounds due to contact with salt water, storms with waves up to 20 feet high are part of the psychological strain that awaits us and will push us to our limits. It is expected that each team member needs about 10 liters of water per day and burns about 5000 calories per day. It will not be possible to consume this amount of food. On average, the participants will lose about 12 kilograms of body weight during the crossing.
Is it therefore surprising that more people have climbed Mount Everest or been in space than have ever crossed the Atlantic in a rowing boat?
With this challenge we learn a lot until we are at the start. There is a lot of organizational work to be done, like founding a sports organization, establishing contacts with media and sponsors, purchasing a boat and fan articles. Certainly, very interesting in the preparation phase are the ocean courses to be completed.
This challenge will be a profound experience that will leave a lasting impression on us as a family and individuals and will help us to move forward.